The car rider line text should have said 2:40 instead of 1:40. I apologize for the error. Again, car rider line begins at 2:40.

Just a reminder: please do not line up for car line on Hickory, Oak, or 49B in the afternoons until 2:40 p.m.

Important Medical Information from our Nurses:
Medication :
*If your child is on medication our nurses need to know! If your child takes medication at school, please bring that to open house, so you can coordinate with the nurse. This will ensure your child will be ready to receive that medication on the first day of school.
Immunization Reminders :
* High School - If you have turned 16 since Sept. 1, 2023 you need a second immunization for Meningitis.
* Fifth and sixth graders who have turned 11, OR 7th graders that did not get these boosters prior: are required to get a tetanus and meningitis vaccine in order to be current on immunizations. These vaccines must be given after the eleventh birthday and cannot be administered sooner.
Primary School :
*Please be sure your student has had their kindergarten physicals and vaccinations. Appointments can be made at any Arkansas Health Department. If you have an exemption from immunizations a new form must be turned in by the first day of school.

OM World Finalists Team Members were recognized by the Brookland School Board at the board meeting on August 5th. A huge thank you goes out to all parents, guardians, students, and teachers who put in the countless hours that make this program a success. #bearcatproud, #thebearcatway

Learn more at ar.gov/summerebt or call the Summer EBT Hotline at 1-833-316-2421.

Get a jump by filling out the free/reduced lunch form applications on line! Thank you for your time!

Looking forward to a Great Year!

** New Bus Route**
Brookland school is adding a new bus route this year. Students living in Brookland Hills subdivision may see a different bus than normal. All houses on Clark Drive, Clark Cove, Sophie Drive, Sloan Drive, and Sloan Circle; and house numbers 100-127 on Emma Drive and 100-130 on Harper Drive will now be riding route 70 at the beginning of the school year. Pickup times will range from 7:00-7:10 in the morning and 3:30-3:45 in the afternoon.
Students living on East Hinkley Street, Eason Street, Brookvale Circle, Cardinal Street, and Dooley Street will also be on route 70 this year. Pickup times will range from 6:50-6:58 in the morning and 3:15-3:25 in the afternoon.
Pickup/dropoff locations will remain the same as they were at the end of the year last year. Times will vary slightly over the first couple weeks of school as we all get back into the groove. We look forward to another successful year as Bearcats!

Check out these new signs just finished up for Brookland High School Bearcat Baseball and Softball. Thank you Express Sign Co. #Bearcatproud

Mandatory Football Parent Meeting this Tuesday, July 30th at 6pm in the HS Auditorium. This is for all football teams 4th-12th grades. #Bearcatproud #theBearcatway

Click the link for more information.

We have been cleared by the police department to resume all activities on campus. We want to thank the Brookland Police and Craighead County Sherriff's Department for their communications with us throughout the situation. At no time were our students or staff in any danger, but the Brookland School District will always place safety first.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding.

Dear Parents,
We want to assure you that all students are safe. The police are currently managing a situation near the school, and we as Brookland Public Schools are taking all necessary precautions. All employees, students and coaches have been notified, and the building is securely locked.
We will provide updates as we receive more information. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Come Join the Back to School Prayer Walk!

BPS 2024 Open House

It’s almost time for our back to school community pep rally. If you have a business or organization that would like to set up a booth this year, contact jmartin@bpsbearcats.com
We had a great turnout last year and hope to make it even better this year. We would especially like to have any businesses that might create job opportunities for our students!! Come join us and get the school year started off great by cheering on our Bearcats!!

LITTLE CATS FOOTBALL CAMP will be held July 16th-18th from 6-7pm. Boys in Grades 3-6 are invited to attend. Cost to attend is $40/camper which includes a mini football and a T-shirt . The Little Cats camp is run by our Bearcat Football staff as well as out high school athletes. We are looking forward to a great time! This is a no-contact football camp. #Bearcatproud, #TheBearcatWay
Please complete the Jot Form to register.

Happy 4th of July!

It may the first week of June, but BPS teachers from the Elementary and Primary Schools are already preparing for 2024-25! #2024BPSPD #thebearcatway

This school year may be winding down but the Jr. & Sr. High teachers and staff are already working towards next school year in deeping their professional knowledge. #thebearcatway